
With Mr and Mrs Navigator keen to show off their tan lines from a break in gran Canaria a walk was arranged on the Pembrokeshire coast. The forecast was heavy rain until about 1130 and sun thereafter and so we motored slowly and had our morning coffee break in the car above Abermawr beach.


It was still raining as we set off but this had not deterred three Park Rangers busy digging out a new path near the beach.

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Our route struck inland through a woodland which in a few weeks will be covered in wild garlic, and then onto lanes leading down to Abercastle and the coast.

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Abercastle beach

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he knew Trump was coming!

The sun was now shining and we had a grand walk back to the car at Abermawr.

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The famous Pembrokeshire wall climbing sheep

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We came across this little shrew busily chewing on an obviously tasty leaf and took very little notice of us as we busied ourselves taking his/her photo.

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